Air Conditioner Broken? How To Keep Your Home Bearable On A Scorching Hot Day

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In the heat of summer, Murphy's Law might as well be "the air conditioner will break on the hottest day of the year." If you're awaiting air conditioner repairs and the temperature is rising quickly, there are some ways to ensure the temperature inside your home at least stays bearable in the meantime.

Open the windows at night; close them during the day.

This is the main way people used to keep their homes cool before the days of air conditioning. When the temperature drops at night, open your windows to let the cool air in. Then, get up early before the sun rises, and shut the windows to trap the cooler air inside before the outside temperature begins to climb again.

Cover your windows so the sun does not shine in.

Sun streaming in your windows may look pretty, but it also warms your home up rather quickly. When you rise in the morning to close your windows, also make sure you cover them. If you have thick curtains, drawing them shut may be enough. In rooms with sheer curtains, you may want to drape some heavy blankets over the curtain rods for extra protection. No, it won't look pretty, but it's a temporary fix and will make your home much more comfortable.

Turn on those ceiling fans.

Ceiling fans do a good job of keeping the air evenly mixed throughout your home, so certain rooms don't get much hotter than others. The home will also feel cooler with a light breeze from the fans blowing. If your ceiling fans have two settings, as many do, set them so they're turning counter-clockwise. This moves the air downward, helping you to feel cooler.

Do all of your cooking outside.

Don't even think about turning on the stove or oven and releasing extra heat into your home. This is the perfect excuse to grill outside. The heat from cooking will stay outdoors, and after you spend some time grilling in the hot summer sun, your home will feel cooler by comparison when you step back inside. If you don't have a grill, consider going out to dinner at a restaurant with air conditioning – you'll enjoy a break from the heat. Of course, eating cold sandwiches for dinner works, too.

Awaiting air conditioning repairs is never pleasant, but you don't have to sit there dripping in sweat. Follow the tips above, and your home will at least be tolerable.
