5 Ways To Save On Your Home Air Conditioning Bill

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Do you recollect those situations when your air conditioning unit produces strange sounds? Or, when your unit runs constantly for many hours? The first single thing that comes to your mind is your bank account. You start ruminating on the possible heating and repair bills. Before you start fretting, you may want to learn a few usable tips for saving on your home air conditioning bill.

Your windows are caring friends

If you live in areas where there is cooling at night, it's advisable to open your windows and turn off the AC unit. In the morning, remember to close the windows to capture the cool air in your house. Installing window coverings also helps to prevent heat gains through the windows.

Leafy trees and plants are wonderful

This can be an unusual idea to many people, but the U.S. Department of Energy recommends it. Ensure there are leafy trees and plants in your home. These plants provide shade to your house thus preventing sunlight from penetrating inside your home. You can boost your AC unit's efficiency by 10 percent.

Use fans and ventilation for cooling

This is certainly a disturbing decision to make, but it can be necessary at times. Allow your AC unit to rest and keep your house cool using ventilation and ceiling fans. When leaving your house, always remember to turn off the fans.

Take advantage of your thermostat

During the summer, keep the thermostat as high as possible to create a small difference between the indoor and outdoor temperature. This helps to lower your cooling bills. When you are away, keep the house warmer and only lower the thermostat setting when you are in the house and need cooling

Spend time in your basement

In certain cases, especially when you are alone at home, you certainly don't need to use your AC unit. Set up your basement with all you need, including a TV, couch, and a few drinks, to create a relaxing spot. When the humidity is high on the outside, keep the basement windows closed. The entry of the moist air will lead to an increase in humidity in your house.

Using one or more of the above ways to cut down on using your air conditioner could help save you money on your monthly bill. However, if your bill seems to skyrocket no matter what you do, you may want to contact an air conditioning service, such as Smedley & Associates, Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, to see if there could be a problem with your unit.
