Why Is Your Air Conditioning System Failing?

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Though you hope your air conditioning will never break down on you, the truth of the matter is that failures are relatively common in the AC world. If you are a homeowner who tends to neglect the maintenance on your AC and are unaware of the abuse that you may be inflicting on your unit, then a failure is likely to occur far more frequently. To prevent breakdowns from occurring, it can be helpful to know why AC units tend to fail and what steps you can take.

Refrigerant Issues

When your AC fails to release cool air, the refrigerant that should be passing through the coils may be malfunctioning or leaking out. If there isn't any refrigerant, an HVAC contractor can replace it. In the event that there is a leak, the coils can be cleaned, the leak can be repaired, and the refrigerant can be fixed so that your air conditioning system starts cooling your home properly again.

Defective Thermostat

As a general rule, the refrigerant is not the problem when your air conditioner is not working correctly. Instead, it is the system controls. The thermostat is responsible for controlling the system and telling it what it needs to do, so when it appears that your AC unit is switching on and off or failing to reach the pre-set temperature, the thermostat is the cause of the issue and needs to be addressed by a professional.

Lack of Cleaning and Maintenance

Just like any other appliance in the home, if you fail to keep up the maintenance on your air conditioning system, then it is eventually going to fail on you. And, more often than not, this failure is going to occur when you need it most. Luckily, maintenance on your AC unit can be taken care of by an HVAC company on a regular basis so that you never even have to worry about it. A contractor can come to your home on a scheduled basis to inspect the unit as a whole and perform any necessary repairs to ensure that your system continues operating at its peak.

The aforementioned situations are just a few of the more common reasons that air conditioning systems fail, but they are many more. If you believe that your system is failing you, get in touch with a residential air conditioning repair professional in your local area as soon as possible to schedule an appointment.
