Does Your Plumbing Need Pipe Relining?

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When your home's pipes are aging and deteriorating, it's important to be attentive to the risk of leaks. If you want to prevent serious leaks before they become a problem, talk with a local residential plumber about pipe relining. Here's a look at some of the reasons why you should consider relining instead of replacing the pipes.

Minimal Excavation Needed

If you've ever had pipes replaced, you know how much excavation is involved in the process. When you opt for relining, you'll get the same pipe integrity without the extensive excavation and property upheaval. Most pipe relining is trenchless, so only small areas will be dug.

Cost-Effective Repairs

When you get an estimate for pipe replacement, the cost can be extensive because of the excavation, pipe removal, and other manual efforts required. There are also costs associated with the excavators and operators. This adds up fast. 

If you choose pipe relining, the process is far less labor-intensive, which means that you'll save on the labor costs of the project. You may also save on the cost of materials because you'll pay only for the relining, not for entirely new plumbing.

Long-Lasting Structure

Another great reason to consider pipe relining is that relining your pipes will extend your plumbing's lifespan by many years. The material used for relining is durable and more affordable than new pipes. The structure of relined pipes is one of the biggest reasons for that durability. Relining is seamless. The liner is an epoxy coating that hardens to a solid surface. Since it is applied in a liquid form, it fills all of the cracks, crevices, holes, and gaps in the pipes to form a solid inner layer.

Enhanced Performance

When your pipes are deteriorating, crumbling pipe material can cause blockages and may interfere with water flow. If you choose to have your pipes relined, that eliminates much of the material that can inhibit pipe operation and performance. This gives you clear pipes for the water to flow through, ensuring proper performance and sufficient water pressure.

These are just a few of the many reasons why you should consider pipe relining for damaged plumbing. The more you understand about it, the easier it is for you to see how it can benefit your plumbing infrastructure. Talk with a local residential plumber about a comprehensive inspection to see if your home's plumbing system could benefit from relining, then plan the relining services as needed for your pipes.
